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A Day of Fun, Food, and Philanthropy: The Farmhouse 2nd Annual Community BBQ

The Farmhouse Cannabis Co. storefront during the 2nd Annual Community BBQ

We’re still overjoyed and thankful for the success of our 2nd Annual Community BBQ at The Farmhouse Cannabis Co. This event was a testament to the power of community, education, and collective support for a local cause, The Compassion Society of Halton.

The day was marked by the presence of representatives from various cannabis companies. These industry professionals provided valuable insights about their products, demystifying cannabis and offering attendees a unique opportunity to learn more about the benefits of cannabis. This educational aspect of the event underscored our commitment to fostering an informed and engaged community.

Antique Cars at The Farmhouse Cannabis Dispensary in Burlington Annual Charity BBQ
The donation barrel filled with food items, toiletries, and personal care items

Raffle winner and representative from The Farmhouse Cannabis Co. celebrating the success of the event

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the charity raffle. The anticipation built as attendees purchased their tickets, each one representing a chance to win and a contribution to a worthy cause. Thanks to the generosity of our community and a surprise generous donation from a local resident, we were able to raise a significant amount for The Compassion Society of Halton. The grand total came to $1896.10, a sum that will greatly aid the organization in its mission to provide food, clothing, household items, and connect people to local resources.

The Farmhouse Cannabis Co. volunteers at the 2nd Annual Community BBQ
Community members gathered at The Farmhouse Cannabis Co. for the 2nd Annual Community BBQ

In addition to the funds raised, attendees contributed to a donation barrel filled with food items, toiletries, and personal care items. These tangible donations, each one a gesture of care and community support, will go directly to those in need in our community, further extending the impact of the event.

Community members enjoying the Community BBQ event
Staff after a local resident made a generous donation at the Community BBQ
Attendees participating in the charity raffle at the Community BBQ

As we reflect on the event, we are reminded of the power of community and the difference we can make when we come together. The success of the BBQ wasn’t measured just in the funds raised, but in the spirit of generosity and community that filled the day.


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